Monday, August 1, 2011

Fainting repeatedly, what is the cause?

Santi (name of the illustration), is told by her parents often experience fainting. In this month alone here are 3 times a fainting incident. Old fainted about 5 minutes, and after fainting patient is awake. Grateful fainted during the incident, there are always friends at his side, so it does not clash head. Before fainting eyes say it was dark and cold sweat. Outside the fainting incident earlier, Santi healthy condition and did not complain of any kind.

Fainting is a fairly common problem. In medical terms included in the periodic fainting unconciousness means that periodic decreased awareness. Someone repeatedly unconscious can be caused by several things: such as lack of perfusion to the brain, such as low blood pressure, or standing too long in hot places (for example: the flag ceremony), or because of cardiac abnormalities, such as an irregular heartbeat.

Sudden fainting may also be caused by electrical disturbances in the brain. The existence of power disturbance can cause the patient is also unconscious. The more obvious causes of the problem of power disturbances in the brain when before fainting usually patients' feel 'to faint or have a feeling different. Because electricity can ganggua characterized by the presence of movements / convulsions (but may not).

A momentary hypoglycemia or are likely to forget breakfast and then there is excessive activity, so that the sugar shortage of the brain, can also cause a decrease of consciousness.

Other causes are also frequent and should not be underestimated are: psychological problems, if fainting occurs after a state of emotional, psychological problems carefully why. For example, there are patients who fainted after a fuss with her boyfriend or fainting after being scolded by his teacher. Often fainting because of the psychic occurs in young women. So when faced with cases like the illustration above, must be convinced first what causes fainting whether physical or even psychological problems. Of course, very different approach.

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