Monday, September 5, 2011

cause of the failure of local anesthesia (anesthesia) in patients.

Some of us may have experienced failure of anesthesia at the time of revocation or dental care. The failure of anesthesia can be caused by several factors, this is of course very hurt us. There is no harm if we know some of the factors causing the failure of anesthesia. 1: Variation Anatomy Local anesthesia is always effective if injected in the correct anatomical area and given sufficient time to work. Anesthetics work by blocking the nerve supply to certain areas under the influence of drugs. But in some people find an unusual neurological conditions, so common ways used by your dentist will not work with the maximum. more anesthesia is needed to tackle these problems and injected a different place to block more leverage against the tooth. This unusual anatomy can be a problem with the lower jaw, because here the dentist uses nerve blocks as opposed to infiltration in the upper jaw. this is because the nerves running different upper jaw and lower jaw. Dental nerves on mandibular bone found on solid while the maxillary nerve in there before going into the tooth surface. Maxilla more poreous which means that when the anesthetic is injected in theRata Penuh tooth, to connect with the roots, making the tooth will be numb. Lower jaw is more dense and in addition to dental injections is usually not enough to make the tooth numb. The reason some people can not be properly anesthetized at the mandibular canal is because the opening is not in the usual place, so it requires different methods than usual to overcome it. 2. Operator error (dentists) in the provision of anesthesia. Some dentists sometimes have errors in menyintikkan anesthetic. though this is rarely a problem because the tests will be done on the anesthetized area, what if the anesthesia does not work can be done a different injection place. As the patient should be at the dentist when you ask if still ill answer honestly do not detained or underestimate the discomfort during the test, because it will disturb you during the extraction or dental care. 3. Patients resistant to the drugs given. Some patients are resistant to the influence of certain local anesthetics (eg lignocaine / lidocaine), the answer is simple - use a different LA solutions. 4. Anxiety (a local anesthetic does not last long or too fast out). When someone is stressed or anxious, a local anesthetic may not work as when you relax. The hormones associated with anxiety (such as epinephrine, aka adrenaline) to prevent local anesthesia works well on some people. Effect of local anesthesia may be delayed, or perhaps too quickly lost. Therefore better meets these demands are not anxious or stressed when it comes to the dentist. Remember dentist aims to help you not to kill you ^ ^. 5. The presence of infection or abcess. Infection can mencegal work effectively under local anesthesia so it's better to focus on treatment of such infections. Maybe you are often asked what if tooth pain may be revoked ga? one answer is this, the maximum anesthetic will not work when there are problems with the gums or soft tissue.

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